UFO(Unit Fish Organization) For Extinction

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Entertainment
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 30 min 3 Quantity Input


Sea Creature in the west cost have been ruthlessly sacrificed by people. In order to prevent themselves from people, the sea creatures organize the UFO (United Fish Organization). The UFO consists of three members, Flying fish 'Chubby' who can't fly. Octopus 'Dory' who has only 7 arms. Crab 'Molly' has awful hair smell. These three members with weakness begin to go on a journey to save "Choolung City" which is at risk due to extinction. Though this journey, their weakness turns into strength. Can they save "Choolung City"?