VR MR Convergence ballet Performance Yo Ji kyung

  • Genre CT
  • Detailed Genre Other


"Yo Ji-kyung" is a fusion performance of MR (Mixed Reality) technology, VR (Virtual Reality) art and ballet dance. Yoji-gyeong is the name of a beautiful lake in Gonryunsan Mountain, which appears in Oriental mythology, and Gonryunsan Mountain is a paradise on earth where the goddess Seo Wang-mo lived, and the most beautiful place is Yoji-gyeong.
However, the meaning of the landscape has changed, making it a metaphor for a colorful and strange world. Comparing the chaotic scenes of the real world to the point, VR artists and ballet dancers will present the boundary between the heavenly world and the real world together in virtual space and real stage space.
The performance of Yoji-kyung sends visitors a message of reflection on our lives, not just a fusion of technology and art.
It also provides an artist's means of expression and expansion of stage space through virtual reality technology, and a new synesthetic experience to increase the audience's immersion.