Webtoon&Webnovel Weekly Report Service (COCODA) - Webtoon Information Service

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Other
  • Target Age All
  • Quantity 10000 Quantity Input


  • Service Description:
    Weekly Report(COCODA) is one of CONIST's representative services, and we analyze ranking and detailed information data on large Korean webtoon and web novel platforms and provide them to our customers. In addition, information on overseas webtoon and web novel platforms such as Japan, the United States, and China will be also provided in 2022.
  • Introduction
    1) COCODA is Korea's only webtoon and web novel industry trend analysis information and is provided every week
    2) Ranking data of large Korean webtoon and web novel platforms such as 'Naver Webtoon, Naver Series, Kakao Page, and RIDI'
    3) Comics & Smart Toons' Ranking Data for Japan's biggest digital comics platform, 'Piccoma'
    3) Basic information of Korean webtoon & web novel agencies & studios, their revenues, representative titles, list of webtoon/webnovel works, and so on.
    4) Service to be opened in 2022(seperate module)
    - Ranking data for global digital comics platforms (Japan, the United States, and China)
    - Revenue estimation features for each webtoon title. (Webtoon value estimation module based on a machine learning tech.)