
  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 35 min 32 Quantity Input


A lawyer that helps slippery, weasel-like men dodge the law ends up in a parallel world after getting into an unfortunate accident. However, he finds himself as a prosecutor instead of a lawyer in this world. He used to have two cars, one a Bentley, but here he is a pathetic man that thinks 8 dollars is too much for a meal. He used to sport a two-block haircut, but here he has tacky curly hair. The worst thing he can’t stand is that he has a wife! His wife is none other than the girl he broke up with a decade ago. She’s righteous to the point that she doesn’t know how to be flexible, unfashionable and they had a bad relationship. However, Ra Si On is now his wife and they have a child. The only thing he wants to delete from his past has become his present. He wants to go back to reality!