Hello Mr. Sunglass

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Toddlers
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 5 min 52 Quantity Input


An amazing adventure in daily life using five senses with baby animals!
An informative and educational contents to learn about objects through a game familiar to toddler, hide-and-seek! A tiny daily adventure of pink bunny Eaya who hears cheerful sound well, glutton puppy Coco who smells tasty food well, and shy baby eagle Looka who can see in a long distance well begins. Mr. Sunglasses who can appear whenever, wherever and in any forms to make the adventure of children even more amazing! Find Mr. Sunglasses with baby animals and go on a pleasant expedition of feeling and experiencing amusing objects and spaces with five senses!