My Beautiful Status Laundromat

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Web/Mobile Content
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 70 min 2 Quantity Input


“A Mysterious vampire Fay will cast a Love Spell…”

Mysterious Vampire, Fay running laundromat, has a superpower that grants unhappy people’s wishes and makes them to start new life. Yong-e,working for here is an emotionless guy who erased his sorrow of parting with his lover. One day, Hae-na, Yong-e’s ex, visits the laundromat He cannot remember her but he ‘s attracted to her unconsciously and finally falls in love her. Finally, Yong-e rushes on his mind that he was her lover but they broke up because of her family’s objection. He ‘s so much pain so that he leaves her again.

Desperate Hae-na also asks Fay to erase all memories. Finally, She ‘s insensitive to love and works for laundromat as a staff. A few years later, both meet by chance again. Will they get back together?