Yeontan-dokkaebi Yeondol

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Entertainment
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Family
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 1 min 1 Quantity Input


As Yeondol grew up, he was very hungry.
When people gave crops
He roasted the crops on his head and ate them.
In return, he made diamonds for them.
The winter in Taebaek was very cold,
He used self-immolation to keep houses warm.
His popularity soared day by day
He lost his place because of oil from overseas.
He visits the Taebaek spirit and receives a mission.
“Let many people know about the beautiful places in Taebaek.”
His journey begins. Please look forward to.

Easy-young Design Co., Ltd.
A local design company that loves to slowly create photos
of various beautiful places in Taebaek, Gangwon State.
Easy-young Design Co., Ltd.