ZERONE Episode 2

  • Genre Game
  • Content Type FPS/TPS
  • Client Volume 5GB-9.99GB
  • Art VR
  • Service Step
  • Target Age All


The IP right holder, Atticfab Inc. developed chair-shaped VR movement interface 'WalkinVR' for customers to experience VR more safely and maximize space efficiency that is one of the problems of VR market. Also they started development of VR FPS
Game 'ZERONE' in May 2018 in order to secure the content which can cope with WalkinVR.
At that time, ZERONE was single play version and was targeting VR LBE markets such as VR Theme park and VR Cafe. Also they considered that the main customers' age group is from teenagers to thirties, so they set the art concept as dinosaurs based
on SF.
In February 2019, The TIM Entertainment Inc. arrived at an agreement about the use of IP with Atticfab Inc. and made a contract for the use of IP right and acquired it.
We launched Stand Alone contents which was developed as Single play in Steam, a global game platform, and we are currently under development of VR Co-op FPS game which supports 4-user multi play so that VR B2C users can enjoy the contents.