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MMCA combines cutting-edge technology with art
  • March 22, 2021

MMCA combines cutting-edge technology
with art

Updated: 2021-03-20 15:19:52 KST


Museums are changing.
It's more than just still exhibits in glass cages and paintings on the walls.
One shows unique artwork using advanced technologies.
Our Kim Bo-kyoung has more.
Visitors to this museum need to wear virtual reality goggles to enjoy this modern art.
The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, has launched an experimental exhibition titled 'Multiverse', showcasing combinations between cutting-edge technology and art.

"The keyword for the 'MMCA Performing Arts 2021: Multiverse' is technology. By using state-of-the-art technology, we have tried to show the visitors what kinds of changes tech can provide in our lives, senses and thoughts through art."

Until this December, six artists' works will be revealed one by one all of which combine art and technology such as Artificial Intelligence.
Two pieces of art that kicked off the project use virtual reality.
Visitors who made reservations for Kwon Hayoun's artwork get to explore a virtual world and their actions create certain choreographies, showing how humans' bodies can be a medium that links artificially created space with reality.
And the art by Seo Hyun-suk is a site-specific art that confuses the audience making them feel as if they are still in a virtual world.

"We get to be immersed in a virtual world when we use the VR gadget, but I wanted to ask what Kant would have asked us : "Of course, the world in VR is an illusion but can we say the world outside is reality?" I have used VR to blur the boundary between reality and illusion."

The more technologies develop, artists agree that they will more be readily used to extend the boundaries of art.

"Other artwork that makes use of drones with artificial intelligence and algorithms that enable self-driving are waiting in line to be presented to the public."

Inventions have made our daily lives much more comfortable, now they are allowing us to enjoy art in a totally new way.
Kim Bo-kyoung, Arirang news.