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Netflix Refutes Network Free-Riding Accusations, Vows Cooperation
  • November 10, 2021 | Broadcasting

Netflix Refutes Network Free-Riding Accusations, Vows Cooperation

Updated: 2021-11-04 16:42:15


U.S. streaming giant Netflix said it's aware of the network free-riding controversy in South Korea, repeating its stance that the problem can be resolved through its content delivery network called Open Connect.

At a press conference in Seoul Thursday, vice president of global public policy at Netflix, Dean Garfield, said over one-thousand Internet Service Providers(ISP) across the globe utilized the free Open Connect server.

This has helped reduce total network traffic by at least 95 percent and cut costs by over one-point-two billion US dollars.

Saying that Netflix is making efforts to create a win-win environment for itself and global ISPs, Garfield vowed to continue cooperation with South Korean companies.

When asked about Netflix paying network fees to other ISPs abroad but not in South Korea, he refuted the accusation as false.

He went on to say that he completely respects and agrees with President Moon's recent remarks that global platforms should meet their responsibilities, adding Netflix also respects moves in South Korea to legalize mandatory network usage payments.