Issue Focus
Democratic Party's Kim Yoon-deok Proposes Amendment to Delegate Game Rating System to Private Sector
Type | Regulations and Policies | Genre | Game |
Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yoon-deok recently introduced a bill designed to streamline and enhance the specialization of the game rating system by permitting advanced notifications for modifications to game content. Current regulations require any updates to rated games to be reported to the Game Rating and Administration Committee within 24 hours, often leading to reclassification if deemed necessary. Interestingly, out of more than 3,000 notifications each year, only about 10% actually result in a change of rating.
Kim pointed out that the existing framework places undue burdens on both the gaming industry and the regulatory body, often necessitating notifications for trivial modifications such as correcting typos. The new bill proposes that the entire game rating system be transitioned to private organizations, as is common in international practices, instead of confining it to approvals by designated agencies for general, age 12, and age 15 ratings.
Kim emphasized that consolidating all rating responsibilities under one umbrella could elevate administrative efficiency and allow private entities to classify games previously deemed unsuitable for younger audiences. This legislative move seeks to align the game rating process with current industry dynamics, making a smooth shift towards private sector involvement in rating determinations.
Kim pointed out that the existing framework places undue burdens on both the gaming industry and the regulatory body, often necessitating notifications for trivial modifications such as correcting typos. The new bill proposes that the entire game rating system be transitioned to private organizations, as is common in international practices, instead of confining it to approvals by designated agencies for general, age 12, and age 15 ratings.
Kim emphasized that consolidating all rating responsibilities under one umbrella could elevate administrative efficiency and allow private entities to classify games previously deemed unsuitable for younger audiences. This legislative move seeks to align the game rating process with current industry dynamics, making a smooth shift towards private sector involvement in rating determinations.
지디넷코리아 (ZDNet Korea), '민주당 김윤덕 의원, '게임 등급분류 민간이양' 내용 담은 게임법 개정안 대표발의, 2024-10-30