abbreviation of Korea Robot & Idea System
Immersive Content
  • Website : www.KOBOTIS.com
  • Location : A-10, #901, W1 99, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
KOBOTIS is a company that prepares for a near future society where the cyber world and artificial intelligence robots will be mixed
With the launch of Mission City, a content-based, mission-oriented healing and care service with artificial intelligence
Based on psychological care services, it is a healing care service that can be used by the general public.
The ultimate goal is to build a cyber city and develop a home robot

Business Description

1. 2024.08: Selection of '24 Stepping Stone Leap / Global R&D Project'
2. 2024.07: Launch of Mission City, a content-based mission-oriented, healing and care service with AI
(renewal version)
3. 2024.05: Completion of the stepping stone for the 2023 Start-up Growth Technology Development Project
4. 2024.01 : Certification of venture companies
5. 2022.01: Establishment of an affiliated research institute
6. 2021.05: Establishment of Covotis Co., Ltd


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