Cuteness saves the world!
Qtizz is Through cute and attractive emotional characters and sensuous content
It is our value and goal to bring joy and excitement to everyone in the world.
Through cute and fun contents and character products that capture the hearts of consumers, We will lead the character entertainment industry and grow into a global company.

Qtizz is a subsidiary of Jaedam Media, a webtoon company.
Secondary business of webtoon character IP, licensing of Cuties original character IP, animation planning and production, character design, emoticons, character products, collaboration.
Qtizz is an IP business specialized company that develops all-round business related to content IP.


Business Description

Qtizz is subsidiary of Jaedam Media, a company specializing in webtoons, and is in charge of the overall Content IP licensing business of 30 types of Original Character IPs and 200 types of Character IPs (230 types in total) of Jaedam's webtoons. Currently, we are developing domestic and global licensing businesses for Representative Characters such as "Goodnight Pajamal", Eggoogoo Friends, Niyaa &Pigaro, and Little Minicorn and Emoji of popular Webtoon Character IPs such as Weak Hero, Youth Blossom, King's Maker, and Palace. We are conducting secondary businesses such as ,goods, etc. in all directions.


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