Wedu Communications Inc.

Since its inception in 2003, WeDu Communications has been engaged in various projects in the fields of e-learning content production and edutainment. Providing cutting-edge educational content through edutainment created using the know-how gained from 11 years of developing the national government’s digital textbooks, and various government research and development tasks. First launched in Korea on July 2017, the English version will be launching soon with the aim of advancing into the US market. Ryan’s Math Adventure was developed as both a print book and e-book, and provides animation and various mathematical games through its online platform that users can utilize to learn math efficiently.


Business Description

1. Development of digital textbooks and educational content
Developing digital textbooks through research projects since 2008, including the production of videos and other diverse content.
2. The RnD Center became active in February 2013 and has since carried out various government supported research projects.
3. Global Math Education Comics
Elementary school math comic, 'Ryan's Math Adventure'
4. Development of the learning analysis based global online education service 'OLL KIDS MATH'.


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