Art of Asia Ottichil

Year of Production
Content Type
TV Channel
Target Age
60(min) 2Quantity Input



Have you ever seen a Ottchil art work? I firmly believe that it is difficult to avert eyes once you have a look at it. It is a natural paint obtained from sap of natural Ottchil tree which is native to Asia. There are only four countries that make artworks with natural Ottchil even in the East. Ottchil art is a very special culture.
Korea, China, Japan, and Vietnam have developed their own Ottchil arts with originality.
It is found that Ottchil kept Tripitaka Koreana, the complete collection of Buddhist scriptures carved on over eighty thousand wood blocks, which boasts a history of more than 750 years, from corrosion and maintained its shape for a long time. Ottchil is worth noting not only because it is beautiful but also because it has many functional aspects. It is said that properly painted Ottchil makes things live forever. In modern times, it has attracted attention not only as an art but also as a functional paint through various experiments and researches. Ottchil is also excellent for expressing deep and rich colors. Therefore, there are a lot of artisans who devoted themselves to Ottchil art for a lifetime because they are attracted by the charm of Ottchil even though it is a work requiring huge labor.
However, comparing to Japan that has used and preserved Ottchil art with love, China that has continued supporting Ottchil art in diverse ways to resume the broken tradition and Vietnam that has been developing Ottchil art by concentrating on Ottchil paintings, where are we staying? I cannot help asking this question.
I want to illuminate the world of Ottchil art, which is born through dozens of processes.

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Broadcasting Animation Immersive Content


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