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In the clouds floating in the sky, the Sugar house live a sweet and fun friend. The name of a cute rabbit resembling a cotton candy, banitto a bunny and a cookie-like Cooky jar, a caramel-like peanut (Melcong),a macaroon-like Pinkrong. Banitto float a blue sky, and looked down on the earth. The Earth in the shape of the color was so mysterious and beautiful than the sky with all the white clouds. Banitto ride on white-side clouds, he began to explore and experience the Earth in a lonesome place. It was more beautiful to see the Earth closer than I saw it from afar. Butterfly, flower, tree, grass.... Banitto began to fall all over the Earth. There's a all around earth, and he's the one who helps him and her! A fun journey begins with three friends’s noisy farce. Maybe this time it might appear in my neighborhood.

Company Profile

Character Animation


Twin Spica is founded by the experts with many successful stories in content field in Korea for more than 20 years, and is a professional company specialized with high quality of character development, animation planning and business matching.
The Spica, shining brightly in the night sky, is the first-class star of Virgo.
The Origin of word Twin Spica comes from the theory that Spica shines brighter than the Sun, and its reason is that twin stars are shining facing together.
We named our company with the will to grow up together with various partners, just as there are no shining star in the world by itself.
We want to become a leading company in the content business with plenty of business experience & network.

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