Year of Production
Detailed Genre



STELLAKIM 1st Digital Single: Blooming Star

'Blooming Star' Stella Kim is an influencer who gives dreams and inspiration to many people with her success story that was not easily achieved. I want to send a message to everyone, especially teenagers, not to give up easily, be yourself, and never stop trying to achieve your dreams. Because no one knows when it will happen, in fact, this opportunity is available to anyone who is committed to it.

Dance: Unique, Latest GenZ Kpop
Target: All ages, GenZ, K-pop fans, TikTok trends

Company Profile

Broadcasting Fashion Music Startup


THESTELLABEL is an artist management company that produces K-content (mainly music and Korean Wave) and connects K-culture to the world.
Experience with many projects connecting Korea and Indonesia
Main artist: Stella Kim
Mixed race (Korea, Indonesia),
Versatile (Korean, English, Bahasa, Chinese)
Carrie TV’s experience as a content creator for domestic kids broadcasting
Experience in performing in kids pop musical performances
STELLAKIM, a YouTube channel introducing the K-Korean Wave
First mini album KPOP artist debut project under The Stella Label

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