Cup Dog

Year of Production
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Target Age
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Detailed Genre


Cupdog, a lonely dog living in a red cup, is always confident of himself and his own world.

Even if he is a little bit poor at the outside of red cup, he has no time for thinking of the outside of the red cup. Because his own world inside of the red cup is full of many interesting thing, such as his taste, hobby, or dream.

Company Profile

Character Animation

Youil Media

YOUIL Media is Animation Production & Character Licensing Consulting Group that represents Asia beyond Korea. 
Leading the latest trend, we plan & develop contents of various genres and deliver them to our customers. We are taking the lead in developing contents through aggressive global marketing.

Have a great story idea but unsure of what to do next ?
We will work with you, together with your big ideas and imaginative spirits; and develop the idea out of the box!
We offer consultancy services in the following:
Assisting in preparing development kit; conceptual arts, character development, story development and pitch bible
Pre-planning stages of an animation project to determine production needs and capacity
Analyzing and determining your target market and audience
Budgeting and scheduling planning for production
Providing editorial consultations on the buyers and/or broadcasters fit for your project
Providing consultations on co-production structures & financing.

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