Year of Production
Content Type
3D Animation
Target Age
90(min) 1Quantity Input
Production Stage
Projects in Production
Detailed Genre


Titanic corporations, religions, and nobles vie for power across parallel universes, each employing Quanx, powerful individuals able to manipulate time and space. Denma tells the story of those swept up in the hurricane of their machinations, each character struggling against a fate larger than any of them.

Company Profile

Character Animation Immersive Content Other

LOCUS Corporation

Locus Animation Studios is a global content creator, producing world-class animation based on its CGI/VFX technology and know-how. Locus Animation Studios broke out with its first animated feature "Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs" which was released throughout the world, including in North America through Lionsgate. Locus Animation Studios has also produced two seasons of the animated TV series "Running Man," based on the hit SBS variety program, and also produces animated films based on the project. Locus Animation Studios is currently in production of an animated feature adaptation of the popular webtoon "Yumi's Cells" as well as an animated series adaptation of the 'Toemarok" fantasy novels.

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