Ella Gator

Year of Production
Content Type
2D Animation
Target Age
3(min) 33Quantity Input
Production Stage
Projects in Production
Detailed Genre



" Meet Ella Gator!"
Ella was adopted into a loving family of alligators.
But as she grows up, she starts to realize that she's ... different.
Will Ella discover her true identity?

Company Profile

Game Character Cartoon Animation Music

chungdahmmedia, Inc.

Chungdahm Media Inc., an affiliate of 'Chungdahm Learning’ which is Korea's leading ESL company, started with creating storytelling content that organically combines language and art to promote creativity. We are producing a various type of contents targeting the short-form content market. We are developing creative storytelling contents by our international members of talented writers, professional musicians of various music genre and excellent animators. This is how we can make content with a wide variety of genres of stories, music, and artistic styles.

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