Year of Production
Content Type
Target Age
60(min) 8Quantity Input


Title : FOLLOW ME_make your choice
Genre : Life style & Beauty
Episode : 8 X 70min

Program Info.
We now live in a world where we build our own taste and respect one another.
Will I be able to find my own taste?

Corner 1. <Check out my choice: A close-up look !>
Have a look at what K-idol's are up to!
We will be presenting their choices made in Fashion, food-diet and life-style with no-filters! This is your chance to see how K-idol stars built up their own taste.

Corner 2 <Live QnA : Ask Anything!>
This corner is open to ask any questions from hardships encountered in romantic relationship to beauty tips! It's the final stop for people to share any concerns.

Corner 3 <Style make-over: Let us help you find your style! >
It's a spot for those who are trying to find their own style!

Are you trying to find your style? What's your taste?
We will guide you step-by-step on how to create one.

Company Profile


Tcast Co., Ltd

t.cast is Korea's No. 1 total media-entertainment company, with a dominant presence in media, film, and music industries. t.cast operates 10 TV channels, including e-Channel(entertainment), Screen(movie), and Dramacube(drama) among others, providing the trendiest content within a diverse range of genres. t.cast is one of the top tier companies within premium content production.

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