INSSA Family (5 titles)

Year of Production
Content Type
Publication (Magazine/Book/Newspaper)
Target Age



A new comic book series based on the beloved YouTube channel <INSSA Family>, the funny story of INSSA FAMILY begins! <INSSA Family> is a Korean YouTube channel having over 100 mil. views with 247,000 subscribers! (as of Mar. 2023). From how to take the best ID photo like a K-POP idol star to how to avoid zombies, this mind-giggling series shows cool tips for school kids and fun for all family members.

Company Profile


YeaRimDang Publishing Co. Ltd,.

Since its establishment in 1973, YeaRimDang has been publishing books that cultivates children’s knowledge of liberal arts and classics, culture and sensibility by publishing children’s books on a wide variety of subjects. YeaRimDang’s representative book, Why Educational Comic Book Series, sold over 86 million copies worldwide such as France, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Russia, Macao, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mongolia and Middle East countries.

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