Karamel Travel Agency

Three MCs are talking at Hahoe Village in Andong.
Year of Production
Content Type
Online Video Platform/MCN
Target Age
20(min) 3Quantity Input



The true charm of Korea has yet to be revealed.

The splendid metropolis of Seoul.
Befitting its prestige, more than half (*57%) of foreign tourists visit Seoul. Even though 'food' and 'appreciation of natural scenery' ranked *1 and 2 side by side as factors to consider when traveling to Korea, regions where you can feel real nature and eat delicious food with local characteristics are not attracting much attention as tourist destinations. can not do it.
Of course, accessibility is the first reason, but more important than that is that it has not sufficiently shown its charm enough to want to overcome difficult accessibility. Local travel destinations that tourists have learned about through Korean dramas and entertainment programs are limited to 'filming locations'. Local cities need to be introduced as 'travel destinations' worth visiting beyond 'shooting locations'.
A quiet mountain and thousands of small islands,
Traditional villages with a long history and foods with local flavors and tastes.

"I'll show you the true charm of Korea."

Company Profile

Broadcasting Character Startup

neez.n Corp.

neez.n Corp. is an IP business company that communicates with the world through Content IP and creates sustainable influence. neez.n Corp. operates <Amelicano>, a media channel that introduces various cultures of Korea in Indonesia, and <Karamel Studio>, which presents various original K-contents. neez.n Corp. also operates licensing business of <Gaeguneez>, a character inspired by a small movement in society to make a better world.

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