Never a Dull Moment

Year of Production
Content Type
TV Channel
Target Age
30(min) 8Quantity Input



Never a moment to be bored! Never a moment to rest!
Filled with brilliant and shining moments of stars,
a program that’ll make you into a fan!
[Never a Dull Moment]

From fantastic performances with great vocals
to a peek into their daily lives, and even a showcase of their variety show skills,
they’re showing every moment without hesitation!
Which K-Pop stars will become the next “bias” of fans around the world?
We meet them now on [Never a Dull Moment]!

Company Profile



Arirang TV, established in 1997 as a domestic cable TV service for foreigners in Korea, is Korea's leading global broadcasting company and opened Korea's first overseas satellite broadcasting service in 1999 for the Asia-Pacific region. In 2000, the company completed its worldwide broadcasting network including the Americas, Europe and Africa, and has been providing various contents including politics, economy, society, and culture to foreigners and Korean residents. Currently, Arirang has received a great deal of attention and love from approximately 1.3 billion viewers in 105 countries around the world, and is striving to provide more active marketing and quality programs.

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