Olympus Heroes (10 titles)

Year of Production
Content Type
Publication (Magazine/Book/Newspaper)
Target Age



<Olympus Hero> is a 10-title cartoon series. Unlike the existing Greek and Roman mythology, which is told in chronological order, <Olympus Hero> organizes the story for each character, allowing the character relationships and world view of the work to be clearly conveyed. In addition, the dynamic production provides visual enjoyment as if appreciating a famous painting and adds depth and delivery to the content.

From the childhood of Hades, the king of the afterlife, to his fateful meeting with Persephone, you can gain culture, fun, and emotion by reading <Hades>, which captivates readers' eyes with its dramatic story development and webtoon-style illustrations.

Company Profile


YeaRimDang Publishing Co. Ltd,.

Since its establishment in 1973, YeaRimDang has been publishing books that cultivates children’s knowledge of liberal arts and classics, culture and sensibility by publishing children’s books on a wide variety of subjects. YeaRimDang’s representative book, Why Educational Comic Book Series, sold over 86 million copies worldwide such as France, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Russia, Macao, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mongolia and Middle East countries.

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