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In Production
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The story follows a young kitten, Alys, who has been given a sudden chance of a lifetime, an opportunity to attend the school of every kitten in Catmia’s dreams, Navillera School for Pop Stars (NSPS). Being from the small country town of Roseville, Alys had no idea that a traffic accident on the way to see Linx, her favorite pop star group’s, concert would change her life forever.

Alys will have to adjust not only to big city life, but also to the life of becoming a celebrity. Alys meets Delta, Cleo, and Rhea, kittens that will be her group mates and also her best friends. Each has their own strengths, weaknesses, and experiences but they will quickly create shared experiences through their time together at school. Though they are a mismatched group at first, the kittens will have to learn to accept each other's differences if they want to have a chance at winning the Star Royale.

The Star Royale is hosted at the end of every year, where all NSPS freshmen compete for a chance to win a professionally produced debut single. Tasked to create, choreograph, and produce their performance themselves, NSPS freshmen spend a majority of their first year of school proving they have what it takes to become stars. Urban legends say that every 5 years, the winner of the Star Royale is destined to be a superstar. 5 years ago, Linx was the winner and the current reigning superstar of Catmia. Who will be this year’s star?

Company Profile

Aurora World Corporation

Character Animation

Aurora World Corporation

Aurora World, an emerging leader in the global content industry, has been at the top of the global plush toys market with its outstanding design capabilities and network. Based on its global business capabilities accumulated over 40 years, YooHoo and Friends, Cuby Zoo, Cutie Curls, etc, Aurora World is transforming into a global content group. With effective sales operations in the US, UK, Hong Kong, and China, we have secured over 80 per cent of our annual revenue overseas.

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