
Immersive Content
Model imagery generated by Potoo
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[Fashion E-commerce model imagery generating B2B SaaS Solution using generative AI]
We are developing Potoo, a SaaS solution for generating model cut images for fashion e-commerce using generative AI. Model cut content is an essential element for sellers in fashion e-commerce to generate sales, which often requires significant investment in terms of time and money to produce. However, since the quality of image content is proportional to the capital invested, sellers with limited resources cannot afford to invest heavily, leading to lower sales and, ultimately, market polarization. We provide a tool that allows the quick, real-time creation of high-quality model cut content at a low cost.

Company Profile

Fashion Startup Immersive Content

CodiMe Co.,Ltd.

Fashion E-commerce model imagery generating B2B SaaS Solution using generative AI

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