
Year of Production
Content Type
3D Animation
Target Age
12(min) 26Quantity Input
Production Stage
Projects in Production
Detailed Genre


One day...

Peaceful LIME CITY is suddenly attacked by huge MONSTERS from space.

Among the chaos, DAVI is lead by a mysterious energy and summons a gigantic T-REX straight from 65 million years ago! He realizes his ability to INTERACT WITH DINOSAURS and battles the Monsters with the T-Rex.

As stronger Monsters appear, the T-Rex is teamed up with 4 OTHER DINOSAURS. They all UNITE with TRANSFORMED vehicles for powerful armors and weapons…
… and form Supertron!!!!!!!

Can Davi and his dino friends stand up against the MONSTERS and defend Earth…!!???

Company Profile

Character Animation

Sunwoo & Company Inc.

Sunwoo & Company is one of the most recognized family entertainment and lifestyle brand companies in Korea.
Tracing its roots back to as early as 1974, we have a strong track record in producing top-quality animations. Based on our experience and expertise, our business now ranges from content creation to distribution, character licensing, merchandising, and brand management.

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