The Trap

Year of Production
Content Type
3D Animation
Target Age
75(min) 1Quantity Input
Production Stage
Projects in Production
Detailed Genre


"I woke up in a building, having lost my memory, and water keeps rising from the floor."

The protagonist, who has lost their memory, awakens in a sealed room. They cannot remember their own name or why they are there. In the room, there's only a vault and a sign that reads '2F'. After a while, the door on the floor opens, and water starts flooding in. Eventually, the protagonist drowns in the water. However, shortly after, the protagonist revives, and the same situation repeats.

Based on the scenario by J. Robin, the original creator of the second-ranked Naver Saturday Webtoon 'Kitchen police, Become a Legend.' the Naver Series Webtoon <The Trap> has already been completed."

Company Profile


Character Cartoon Animation Immersive Content

storyfarm inc.

Storyfarm produce animations based on Korean webtoons. We specialize in the production of a high quality animations, commercials, and game cinematics.

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