
Year of Production
Content Type
Target Age
Product Type
Production Stage
Completed Program
Detailed Genre


1. Theme: Love, Friendship, Family, Work
2. Content: Short stories make fun of daily life of 6 Zookiz characters. Stories based on daily life, in that, KiKi and Ppuyo is a good friend couple, they always appear together, and make fun of other. Love couples are NaNa – Bong Bong, Alex – Ppuyo. NaNa and BongBong like to go shopping and lazy couple, meanwhile Alex and PPuyo like to go travel and do crazy things together. Pang is the characters be used to support the story, sometimes as the kids. This 6 Zookiz characters are all friends and they make life more fun and interesting. Keyword to describe them is fun-lovely.
3. The plot
Story composition: Stories based on daily life, trending topics that young people care about. Mostly about love stories, girls’ things like shopping, crush and beauty. In addition, fun sounds and effects are also added to make the video more lively and accentuated.

Company Profile

Broadcasting Character Cartoon Animation Fashion Startup Immersive Content

Platfarm inc.

Platfarm inc, the company behind the Zookiz content, is a startup targeting the global character market and has partnered with Samsung, Google, Telkom, and others to power the Mojitok character emoji solution.
The company is accelerating its expansion into the Southeast Asian market based on the popularity of its Zookiz character sticker packs, which have been downloaded more than 700 million times on Vietnam's No. 1 messenger app Zalo.
It is also proving its marketability through IP licensing and merchandising agreements, along with the expansion of various commercial character development, webtoon and animation content.
Recently, we signed an exclusive domestic broadcasting contract with KT Alpha, and in Vietnam, we are broadcasting on several major TV/OTT and animation programs, and expanding into flagship stores and merchandise areas to gain more attention and popularity.

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