
KK on That

Year of Production
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KK on That is a content that draws inspiration from the word "KKondae," which typically refers to older individuals in Korea. I, however, see "KKondae" in a different light. Rather than generalizing and stereotyping, I want to embrace the differences and acknowledge the diversity among generations. (And, I am not saying this because I am one of those old folks.LOL)

KKonThat explores the differences in values and cultures among the X, M, and Z generations. Through communication and understanding between generations, we aim to address social issues and foster mutual empathy. Our content encourages respect for generational diversity and seeks to create a culture of understanding through engaging and delightful stories.

Our beloved X-generation friend, Mr.K is expressing sheer shock at being called "cheugy." But here's the twist: he has absolutely no clue what it means! (Yeah, you probably know by now that this is actually my story. Do not laugh!) because this is where the magic happens – it's an opportunity for different generations to come together, bridge the gap, and understand each other's unique language and culture.

Drawing from our individual roles and experiences, we are ready to share humorous and touching stories that unfold with the aim of embracing our "KKondae" qualities in a trendy and contemporary way.

We invite you to join us on this journey of laughter, tears, and understanding the differences between generations, as we strive to create content that respects and values different perspectives.

Join us in the KK on That journey!
Together, let's understand that our differences are not wrong, but rather unique aspects that can contribute to building a more comfortable and inclusive society.

And, yes, meanwhile, you Gen Zs can laugh at us, but hey, my fellow -generations, fear not! We feel your pain and I am here to decipher the mysteries of "cheugy" and gain a little insight into the ever-evolving vocabulary of our younger counterparts. It's all about unity and understanding across the ages, so let’s have fun all together!

Company Profile

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Character Animation Fashion Startup

Pawbulous Inc

Pawbulous is a brand new start-up with that name that means "fabulous pawprints" by combining the two words "paw" and "fabulous" with the desire to protect endangered animals that are rapidly disappearing due to environmental pollution.
We are a digital contents & design studio that produces green content that emphasizes the importance of biodiversity and coexistence with eco-products produced with green policies for low-carbon emissions, from materials to manufacturing processes and packaging, looking for spare resources in a variety of wastes.

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