
Time Traveler Luke

Year of Production
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Completed Program
Detailed Genre



Remember The Time
‘Startz Hotel’, this hotel is known as the mecca of travelers, since all the stories and traditional relics around the world gather here. Paul, the owner and founder of the hotel has been travelling history using the secret time traveling elevator hidden behind the bookshelf in his study to save the relics of the world in danger.
One day, Paul's got trapped in time during his time traveling journey. Luke, the grandson of Paul notices about this mysterious elevator and commences his time traveling journey trying to find his grandfather Paul, with the new mission as a 'relic guardian'. But Luke meets Indiana who's also a time traveler. And Indiana wants to snatch all the treasures of the world to get wealth and honor for himself……
Now the fight begins between Luke who tries to save the relics in the world and Indiana who tries to snatch all the relics!!

Company Profile




Anyzac is an animation production company established in 2013 by gathering global experts with a lot of experience in animation, broadcasting, and video production. In pursuit of creative, valuable, and commercial works, we produced the animation <Zombie Dumb Series> based on our excellent planning and originality. We are also preparing new projects such as <Space Shaman Hunters>, <The Skull King>, <Good Night PAJAMALS> and <Clown Town the movie>. In addition, we are developing L&M business through branding such as character product development and event planning, and developing new media content using video sharing platforms and SNS. Through this, we aim to change and grow together with people, technology, and content, not just planning and development.

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