2-Eyes Monster

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Comedy
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Family
  • Production Stage IP
  • Quantity 11 min 52 Quantity Input


It is a combination of crazy characters and offbeat humor, revolving around the misadventures of an average guy who unexpectedly switches between sing-songy positivism and gut-wrenching negativity…. All leading to monstrous laughs.

There is something bizarre about each and every citizen of Monsterville. However, the most physically challenged of the bunch is a round-bellied chap named 2-EYES – a likeable dude with, well, two eyes. The blue eye gives him an overly-trusting, sunshine-&-lollipops outlook on life, while the red eye turns him into a furious, frustrated grouch. His flip-flop mood swings happen anytime and anywhere!