Her Bucket List

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Short)
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 10 min 20 Quantity Input


Title: Her Bucket List

CAST: Na In-woo/Kim So-hye
Duration: Mid-form Drama 20min X 10eps
Movie 100min
Release: July 2021

'Charari' hear the news that the boyfriend who suddenly disappeared without contact has passed away.
She decides to commit suicide to follow her deceased boyfriend, but struggles with the fear of death and cannot take her life.
When frustrated, he discovers a ‘bucket list’ he wrote down with his boyfriend.
He happens to meet an idol trainee named Kang Hansol, who has the best skills but has stage fright.
As they complete their bucket lists one by one, they develop feelings for each other in the process of healing their pain...
Her bucket list is a romantic comedy about death and life, dreams and hopes, and the worries of the younger generation.