• Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Action
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Teens
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 120 min 3 Quantity Input


The chairman of South Korea's second-largest conglomerate, Osung Group, who visited Chun Mu-duk, who was in prison.
Dokgo-myung offers Chun Mu-duk a job at his company since he will be removed from prison.
At the company, Chun Moo-duk will take on his first assignment, selling Oh Sung-eun's car to Kim Tae-woong, the chairman of the nation's No. 1 conglomerate.Chun Moo-duk, who proudly visits the Future Group and asks the chairman to buy a car of Ohseong.
However, the chairman of Mirae Group is not easy. An imposing figure offers to make a bet The first person to arrive at Ohseong and the next car race from Seoul to Busan wins. Korea's No. 1 ranking in the future. However, it is not a heavenly mound that will easily collapse. a fool's errand by all means
How Chen Mu-duk will grasp the future and the stigma....