My romantic holiday

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age All
  • Quantity 30 Quantity Input


Title: My Romantic Holiday
Genre: Romance
Target audience: 20-30 female / male
Format: Webtoon / webtoon movie

: Jane, who went to LA Tour, happens to be the only witness of a crime.
   Jane has become a killer target, and remains in the US due to the Witness Protection Program.
   The Federal Bureau of Investigation leaves her safety to the Korean American, Aiden Joe.
   On the other hand, Aiden, who is in charge of Jane because he knows how to speak Korean, escapes to Montana together with Jane.
   To protect Jane, Aiden and Jane become a "fake couple" and slowly falls into each other.

  - Kang Jae-in: An optimistic person who does not lose his positive mind under any circumstances. Be honest and faithful to her feelings. A lovely person who can read people's mind without language.
  - Aidan Joe: A legendary Korean-American who joined the FBI as 1 team in three years. A man who has a strong desire to win. He is cool and has a good self-management