Fire Engine RAY

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Animation
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Kids
  • Quantity 15 min 26 Quantity Input


There are countless hazards and danger lurking around in our daily lives. Adults may not notice the mundane facts, such as residues of detergents, little toys swallowed by children, but they can cause fatal accidents when children are involved.
Ray, who is a speaking fire truck, and his crewmates pay close attention to the daily surroundings to remove any obstacles, hazards, and risks lying in children’s way. They also arrive at scenes of accidents before anybody else to Ray, the captain of his crew, keeps his teammates always alert against any possible strikes by the three villains who are always looking to create trouble. “An accident took place underneath Joon’s bed! Everyone, move at once!” Ray may be a small fire truck and his crewmates may still be young, but these guys can startle the whole city as they turn on their light bars and sound their alarms on their way to protect people.