Lewis Case VR

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Entertainment
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Adults
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 4 min 1 Quantity Input


The storytelling grammar in VR contents is not more formal than the frame based image, Creators are looking for ways to communicate stories effectively through a variety of techniques. In recent years, supply to 360 Video has increased. Contents that tried various techniques were released and various evaluations were made. Lewis Case is one of these attempts and has made its own RD with meaning. Lewis Case is a result of directing the possibility of 360 images in conveying 'events' and 'emotions' through 'space' and 'person'. The participants were able to leave the point of first person / third person through the emotion of the person naturally and accept the 'case' and concentrate on the 'story'.