The Headers

  • Genre Game
  • Content Type Education
  • Client Volume Less than 100MB
  • Art 3D
  • Service Step
  • Target Age Kids


“Please-tame me!”
● Tame the character by petting it with actual hand movements
● As intimacy grows, friendship is established between the user and the character

“You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.”
● When not petted or fed, the characters either fall ill or leave the user
● Proper care for the befriended character allows it to develop dynamic, unexpected capabilities
● Each character possesses a unique ability that can be further sharpened with training

“Let’s go on a trip together.”
● Travelling with the befriended character is an essential part of the training
● Explore through a wide range of mazes and obstacles with the friend
● Save the world and the other animal characters by together defeating the villain