The Headers

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 10 min 13 Quantity Input


Kids OTT Animation Six characters and ‘I’ (viewer)! – Chaotic, funny events happening to our seven friends The house of Copan is a desert, the house of Zinora is a rocky mountain, the house of Oodada is a meadow, the house of Doink is an orchard… … We meet friends every day, but we never have the same day. “There's a big hole in Copan's cactus. Let's all go!” Six characters and I go to Copan's house. The way back to meet baby bats in a cactus The mean ‘black cloud’ come along and sprinkle black water! "Why do you do that us?" As we run away, we arrive in an odd country. What else will happen here?