

We continue to strive to provide faster and more accurate competitive service through our U.S. and China Network network. By mobilizing experience and resources throughout the years of mature trade and logistics, we will strive to ensure that our consulting practices are fully engaged.

In addition to these businesses, we are striving to present trends to China through a trend analysis on fashion and beauty in Korea, so that we can take market research as well as data and become the best business in the related industry.

The Case Necktap promises to do its best and sincerity in the given work.

Thank you.

Business Description

1. Entertainment is carrying out its business based on core business areas such as MCN, music production, video planning and total contents, as well as essential entertainment business. The company creates new values based on the value provided through diverse, differentiated and digital collation and distributes the contents through overseas markets. With its unique competitive edge, the company is expanding its focus to the global market.

2. We operate our own studios and own videos and content (Korea-China joint film, drama, web drama, performance, Hallyu advertising, and China management).

We have everything we need, and our strategy is to advertise and promote our waeingbo and Yuku in China. It serves a diversified media platform by creating creative content that creates culture and leads trends.


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