

  • Website :
  • Location : 3f 86-1, Donhwamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Je me révolte, donc nous sommes
Like Alber Camus' proposition, Lesugiatelier, led by creative director Kim Jinsuk, redefines the aesthetics of rebellion. Based in Seoul, the fashion label Lesugiatelier, under the guidance of creative director Kim Jinsuk, focuses on expressing haute couture desires and rebellion based on the confidence of a classic tailor, starting from memories of her mother, daughter, and father's worn-out merriment and the legacy of a generation surrounding her. Acts for those who are honest about their desires.

"The garments that I desire to adorn myself with" — Lesugiatelier, with its primal yet bold and fresh perspective, encompasses values beyond mere appearances.

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