

Storytiger company is an animation production company.
We are currently producing 'Gomaru the Hangeul Magician', a fantasy adventure TV series animation based on the Korean language.
Recently, due to the Hallyu craze, the demand for Hangeul and Korean language has increased overseas, so we are working hard on overseas marketing.
As a result, we have recently added animation import and export and distribution to our business.
Last year, we produced 30 episodes of the 'Don't be a afraid literacy' series.
In the future, we plan to produce various animations based on secured IPs.
We are currently utilizing Unreal, a game engine, to create animations quickly, saving time and money.
As we develop our own IP, at the same time we hope to become the TSMC of the animation world.

Business Description

'Gomaru the Hangeul Magician' TV Series Season 1 and 2 in Production
Produced 30 episodes of 'Don't be afraid Literacy'


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