

VT3, an abbreviation of the company name 'VoyagerTHE3' is the company logo.
BroadcastingStartupImmersive Content
  • Website :
  • Location : B1 26-16, World Cup buk-ro 1-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
VoyagerTHE3 is a content service company that plans, produces and distributes online global interactive edutainment contents.
Contents mainly related to Korean culture, such as Kpop dance, Stretching Fitness for building an idol body line, Korean language, and 'Study in Korea' mentoring, are provided in the form of live classes.


Business Description

June, 2020 VoyagerTHE3 established
October 2020 Global launch of nROUND service (web service)
December 2020, Graduated from the 'Preliminary Entrepreneurship Course' with 'Excellence' of the Small and Medium Venture Business Promotion Agency
August 2021 'Venture Business Certification'
September 2021 Start of simultaneous app/web service provision
Start of paid service (own platform & Udemy, etc.)
Currently, 32,000 members from about 70 countries subscribe to and participate
in the nROUND service.


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