

Year of Production
Content Type
TV Drama (Mini-series)
TV Channel
Target Age
70(min) 16Quantity Input


46-year-old housewife, Cha Jeong-suk is a well-off lady who is happily married to a doctor, raises two beautiful and bright kids, lives in an affluent neighborhood and drives an expensive car. She has no regrets leaving behind her career and living as a mother and a wife. What she didn’t realize was that deep down inside she kept her dream of becoming a doctor hidden away, when she was forced to give up her residency to take care of her children.
But one day, she is diagnosed with acute liver failure and sees just how selfish her family is when nobody stood up to donate their liver to her. On the brink of life and death, she was miraculously brought back to life after a liver transplant from a donor who passed away from a sudden car accident.
The first thing she sees upon regaining consciousness after surgery is her husband’s face. Despite having no energy, she calls out to her husband first. “Honey…” Then, using everything she has in her, she says the one thing she had wanted to say to him the most. “You jerk.”
Having experienced the most bitter betrayal while hovering between life and death, she now decides to live her life on her own terms. She shops till she drops using her husband’s credit card and even rebels against her mother-in-law, but nothing dissipates the emptiness she feels inside. “What must I do? What is it that I want to do? What do I regret the most?” Then one day, while cleaning her son’s room, she finds an application for residency on his desk. “This is it! The one thing I wanted to do but couldn’t! The thing I regret most in life!”
Despite her family’s objection, she passes the medical licensing exam and starts as a resident in the hospital where her husband and son also work. While going through a turbulent life filled with much ado, she finds out about her husband In-ho’s long-standing extramarital affair and hovers on the brink of divorce. In the midst of it all, romance comes into her life with someone none other than the sexy younger doctor, Roy Kim, who also works in the same hospital. Interestingly, her husband In-ho, who had ignored her romantically for over a decade, is now chasing after her for her affection.

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