

Year of Production
Content Type
2D Animation
Target Age
5(min) 1200Quantity Input
Production Stage
Detailed Genre


Jjaltoon, which supplies animation using the YouTube platform, is a channel with about 2.48 million domestic subscribers. Various popular series such as "Beast Friends," "Real Woman," "Animal Partner," and "Diary Series" are being serialized on the Jjaltoon, and each series is differentiated by clarifying the concept and appeals its charm through special characters in the series. The various series in the series differentiate the concept and story of each series, reaching readers of various tastes, and the charming characters and worldviews along with the story are used as a device that allows fans to immerse themselves in the world view. In addition, Jjaltoon is not limited to Korea, but has a total of 8.5 million subscribers in countries such as China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and North America.

Company Profile

Game Animation


We are the TOTAL CREATIVE COMPANY, the BIG PICTURE TEAM, that draws big dreams for the brand.

Our big picture team is made up of more than 100 people with an average age of late 20s.
It is a comprehensive advertising and public relations agency with an average growth rate of 300% over the past three years.
The Big Picture Team, which started as an advertising agency, led to successful IP development such as Jjaltoon and Love Doong Doong.
We are expanding into SW and game businesses.

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