

Year of Production
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In Production
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Jimin comes to the birth country of her mom (Korea) after her grandmother’s passing. She encounters a cute cat at her grandmother’s backyard and adopts it. At midnight, the bracelet that Jimin got from her grandmother begins to glow and her cat turns into a fearsome god, Meoshin. As the 13th celestial animal, who couldn’t be part of the 12 zodiacs, Meoshin looks over the mysterious realm called MeoShín'Ké, the home to many mythical creatures that cause supernatural phenomenons. Hoon, a neighbor boy, is a monster geek-fan. He chases after stories and pieces of evidence of mythical creatures. Hoon often comes close to discovering the secrets of the MeoShín'Ké but always misses a piece to complete the mystery investigation.

Company Profile

Character Animation


HwaHwa is an innovative creative studio that serves as a captivating gateway to Korean (East Asian) culture, employing a distinctively chic approach to storytelling through a captivating array of animations, books, and merchandise.
Established in 2020, HwaHwa has achieved notable acclaim, receiving numerous grants from the South Korean government and successfully crowdfunding nine compelling projects, encompassing immersive board games and an esteemed series delving into the captivating realm of the Encyclopedia of Korean Monsters. Drawing inspiration from Korean mythologies, ancient scripts, and historical records, we have meticulously crafted a rich tapestry of authentic Korean monsters and an enchanting fantasy realm known as MeoShinKe, inhabited by a diverse array of unique creatures and forlorn souls. Each monster bears its own enthralling backstory, akin to elusive fairy tales that remain untold even within Korea and Asia.
HwaHwa ardently embraces its role as a cultural bridge, forging connections between the East and the West, and promoting a vibrant exchange of cultural treasures.

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