
Mix Master - Remaster

Year of Production
Content Type
2D Animation
Target Age
30(min) 39Quantity Input
Production Stage
Detailed Genre


The series takes place in the town of Gamebridge where, through the accidental opening of a portal from the fictional Mix Master video game world of Atreia, the peaceful little town is invaded by the funny and sometimes dangerous game creatures, known as "hench", as well as the game world's evil Prince Brad. The main protagonist, 11-year-old Ditt Lee, is given a card shuffler by the eccentric Dr. Joeb, and now must "mix" those hench (as learned from the fictional video game) to achieve peace and safety, while he grows into his destiny to become the one true "Mix Master".

Company Profile

Character Animation

Sunwoo & Company Inc.

Sunwoo & Company is one of the most recognized family entertainment and lifestyle brand companies in Korea.
Tracing its roots back to as early as 1974, we have a strong track record in producing top-quality animations. Based on our experience and expertise, our business now ranges from content creation to distribution, character licensing, merchandising, and brand management.

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