temporal housewife
A housework mystery detective drama that uncovers the truth through household management.
The story of Hye-young, a once-promising pianist whose life has fallen to the brink after a divorce, who becomes a domestic helper to make ends meet, and who learns a family's deadly secret and helps the hostess, Yeo-jin, to liberate her family.
The story of Hye-young, a once-promising pianist whose life has fallen to the brink after a divorce, who becomes a domestic helper to make ends meet, and who learns a family's deadly secret and helps the hostess, Yeo-jin, to liberate her family.
Company Profile
Startup Immersive Content Other
eargada inc.
Eargada is a company that provides an AI-powered graphic short-form content creation and distribution platform. Using multi-agent system-based automation technology, we mass-produce high-quality content and enter the global market through partnerships with major domestic and international platforms. We maximize IP scalability by producing various forms of content such as audiobooks, graphic short-forms, and video short-forms.