
The Single-minded Next Door

Year of Production


The rediscovery of soft solidarity

Sujin, a thirty-three-year-old middle school linguistics teacher who seeks after intelligence more than beauty, reaches the biggest threat in her life when she notices all of her friends getting married and learns that, she too, could fall into the trap of a crappy marriage. In order to escape from this reality, she decides to get a place of her own so that she would no longer be nagged by her parents to get married. However, the housing prices in Seoul are too outrageous for her to establish the chilled, single life of a career woman she had always dreamed of, and she also feels a sense of fear coming from the fact that she had never lived a fully independent life before.
As a woman who hates the responsibilities of becoming a wife but also wishes to embrace all of the benefits a family can offer, she rediscovers the concept of “soft solidarity” and plans to become a famous writer by releasing stories of successful women living together without men on the blog platform, Brunch….

The calculation of benefits and loss between marriage and being single

Sohee and Mingyu are a newly married couple of the same age who had recently been awarded the chance to purchase a brand new 80m2 apartment in a newly developed town called Wirye provided specially for newlyweds. In order to get away from the constant disruption from their parents, the two plan a way to get away from their 160m2 Hyundai apartment at Garak, which Mingyu’s parents had bought for them.
Considering the current interest rates at banks, Sohee decides to put her place up as a monthly rental when a person willing to rent the place finally appears after a long time of waiting once the place is designated to be redeveloped. And just like that, Sujin, the thirty-three-year-old linguistics teacher, and Sohee, who’s the same age and used to be a flight attendant, finally meet fourteen years after their high school graduation.

Their happy housemate life as non-married women

Sujin recruits unmarried, happy, and delightful women from a real-estate forum and creates a group called “SAH (Single and happy) Girls.” The basic rule of this house is that everyone splits the housework, the fees, the rent, and the groceries together! However, five women who are strangers living in one space is not as easy as Sujin initially imagined when she formed this entirely fair and peaceful gathering of unmarried women.
There’s Eunhye, who’s forty-seven-year-old and seems like a veteran single woman but, in fact, has taken care of her parents for over ten years because she was the only child who wasn’t married out of her five siblings. There’s Namhee who believed living on her own meant marriage but never found the right one and finally left her home for the first time, partially because she wanted to but partially because her parents wanted her to. Also, there’s the thirty-seven-year-old Hanna whose job is unconfirmed but sleeps during the day and leaves during the night, always dressed well and drives a red BMW. Last but not least, there’s the twenty-eight-year-old Seungeun who continues to be in conflict with Sujin because she brings over a new man for a one night stand every week. Will we all get along...?

Others are hell, and there’s no such thing as a utopia?

On the first night Minkyu and Sohee move into their new apartment, Minkyu frustrates Sohee by indifferently mentioning that they should try for a child before they become too old. Sohee struggles with the marriage due to the unbearable pressure from her father-in-law despite initially having wanted to get married. She thinks of Sujin every time things are rocky between her and Minkyu. She cannot understand why Sujin decided to live with a group of unmarried women, but she’s also jealous of how free Sujin’s life is.
What future choices and outcomes await these ladies who have reached this point in their lives when nothing is going their way in the midst of their various challenges?

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A2Z Entertainment is a comprehensive entertainment studio with an optimized value chain from content planning, development, and distribution.
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Every year Gozknock ENT's novels are adapted into movies, TV series, musicals, or webtoons. The intellectual properties of Gozknock ENT enjoy special recognition, especially for original film and drama productions.

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